Madison Kasprzyk
Madison is a second-year MPH student concentrating in Community Health Science & Practice. She holds a Bachelors of Science and Arts in Biology and a Bachelors of Arts in Health and Society from the University of Texas at Austin. She is currently a Program Associate for Brighter Bites NYC, a nutrition education non-profit dedicated to combating food insecurity and childhood obesity. After interning with Brighter Bites in Austin, she became passionate about working towards eliminating food insecurity and diet disparities in communities. Her other interests include other preventative health measures on a community-level, reading in parks, dancing, and trying new coffee places across NYC.

Sreeya Vuppula
Who We Are

Sara Bond
Sara is a second year MPH Nutrition student at NYU. She holds Bachelor’s degrees in Musical Theatre and Arts Administration from the University of West Florida. She is a research assistant at the NYU SEED Program, member of the Global Action for Urban Health Lab, and team lead at NYU Polygeia. She is currently a Research and Writing Intern at Food Tank, and was previously the Communication and Events Intern at Kitchen Connection, a "gastrodiplomacy" program of the United Nations. She is passionate about food system reform, eliminating dietary disparities, and storytelling through food. You can find her learning about wine, hiking, or at the farmer’s market.
Emily Hoey
Emily is a 2nd year PHN student at NYU’s School of Global Public Health and Steinhardt’s Didactic Program in Dietetics. She hold a B.S. in Sociology from SUNY Old Westbury. Her interest in nutrition was inspired by personal health issues and learning about the connection between social environments and health outcomes. Through work at NYU Winthrop’s Hematology/Oncology unit, she found her main area of interests were immunology and the importance of nutrition during and after cancer treatment. In her free time she enjoys hiking and figure skating.

Sara Bond
Sara is a second year MPH Nutrition student at NYU. She holds Bachelor’s degrees in Musical Theatre and Arts Administration from the University of West Florida. She is a research assistant at the NYU SEED Program, member of the Global Action for Urban Health Lab, and team lead at NYU Polygeia. She is currently a Research and Writing Intern at Food Tank, and was previously the Communication and Events Intern at Kitchen Connection, a "gastrodiplomacy" program of the United Nations. She is passionate about food system reform, eliminating dietary disparities, and storytelling through food. You can find her learning about wine, hiking, or at the farmer’s market.
Emily Hoey
Emily is a 2nd year PHN student at NYU’s School of Global Public Health and Steinhardt’s Didactic Program in Dietetics. She hold a B.S. in Sociology from SUNY Old Westbury. Her interest in nutrition was inspired by personal health issues and learning about the connection between social environments and health outcomes. Through work at NYU Winthrop’s Hematology/Oncology unit, she found her main area of interests were immunology and the importance of nutrition during and after cancer treatment. In her free time she enjoys hiking and figure skating.

Sara Bond
Sara is a second year MPH Nutrition student at NYU. She holds Bachelor’s degrees in Musical Theatre and Arts Administration from the University of West Florida. She is a research assistant at the NYU SEED Program, member of the Global Action for Urban Health Lab, and team lead at NYU Polygeia. She is currently a Research and Writing Intern at Food Tank, and was previously the Communication and Events Intern at Kitchen Connection, a "gastrodiplomacy" program of the United Nations. She is passionate about food system reform, eliminating dietary disparities, and storytelling through food. You can find her learning about wine, hiking, or at the farmer’s market.
Emily Hoey
Emily is a 2nd year PHN student at NYU’s School of Global Public Health and Steinhardt’s Didactic Program in Dietetics. She hold a B.S. in Sociology from SUNY Old Westbury. Her interest in nutrition was inspired by personal health issues and learning about the connection between social environments and health outcomes. Through work at NYU Winthrop’s Hematology/Oncology unit, she found her main area of interests were immunology and the importance of nutrition during and after cancer treatment. In her free time she enjoys hiking and figure skating.

Sara Bond
Sara is a second year MPH Nutrition student at NYU. She holds Bachelor’s degrees in Musical Theatre and Arts Administration from the University of West Florida. She is a research assistant at the NYU SEED Program, member of the Global Action for Urban Health Lab, and team lead at NYU Polygeia. She is currently a Research and Writing Intern at Food Tank, and was previously the Communication and Events Intern at Kitchen Connection, a "gastrodiplomacy" program of the United Nations. She is passionate about food system reform, eliminating dietary disparities, and storytelling through food. You can find her learning about wine, hiking, or at the farmer’s market.
Emily Hoey
Emily is a 2nd year PHN student at NYU’s School of Global Public Health and Steinhardt’s Didactic Program in Dietetics. She hold a B.S. in Sociology from SUNY Old Westbury. Her interest in nutrition was inspired by personal health issues and learning about the connection between social environments and health outcomes. Through work at NYU Winthrop’s Hematology/Oncology unit, she found her main area of interests were immunology and the importance of nutrition during and after cancer treatment. In her free time she enjoys hiking and figure skating.

​Lisa Daronatsy
Lisa Daronatsy is dedicated to the mission of service for others through food justice. Lisa is a second year MPH Nutrition student who's academic and professional background is diverse --- with experience from international sourcing and production to fitness and nutrition coaching. Lisa believes food systems and population nutrition are two pivotal, powerful topics in today’s global world. Lisa feels called to advocate for health equity through nutrition and believes the path forward will require innovative solutions to historic and present challenges.

Aliyah Masterson
Social Media Chair
Aliyah Masterson is a second year MPH Nutrition student from Washington D.C. She is interested in community health work that spreads information about the importance of proper nutrition for long-term health and quality of life. Aliyah is an aspiring herbalist that enjoys gardening and long nature walks.

Himani Chhetri

Mari Braga
Mari is a senior at NYU Gallatin focusing on the intersection of Psychology and Public Health with a minor in CAMS, and is currently enrolled in a 5 year BA-MPH program with a concentration in Global Health. She is currently a Research Assistant at NYU Langone studying smoking cessation and harm reduction counseling, and is a fellow with the Reducetarian Foundation learning about improving health by reducing societal consumption of animal products. In her free time she enjoys reading, writing, biking, and playing the guitar.

Madi Wall
Communications Chair
Madi is a second-year MPH student in Health Policy & Management while simultaneously obtaining an advanced graduate certificate in Public Health Data Science. She holds a bachelor's of science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. She is currently a Healthcare Financing Services Intern at Public Consulting Group where she participates in various Medicaid cost reporting and rate setting projects in multiple states. Her primary interests are healthcare financing, oral public health, and how nutrition impacts oral health in concordance with overall health. In her free time she enjoys reading, waterskiing, and going for very long walks.

Jiani Ji
Social Media Co-Chair

Gabie Calimlim
Social Media Co-Chair
Gabie is a sophomore at NYU Steinhardt, majoring in Nutrition/Dietetics and Global Public Health. She is currently interning at an organization called Thinking Green under their program Conscious Kitchen, which is dedicated to food equity, food education, the transformation of school food, and more. Gabie is from the Philippines and grew up surrounded by so many rich cultures and food! She loves to cook and bake and is an aspiring Registered Dietitian. She is extremely excited to see Nutrition without Borders grow this school year.

Bharat Sanka
Undergraduate Representative
Bharat is a Sophomore at NYU CAS studying Global Public Health with a concentration in Biology. He is a volunteer EMT and research assistant at Bellevue screening patients in the Emergency Department. He is also involved with a research project with Polygeia concerning the barriers to Universal Healthcare Coverage in Africa and how to remedy those barriers. In his free time he likes to garden, watch Netflix, hangout with friends, read, and go to the gym.